Weather in Aviation

Weather effects to aircrafts are in almost every action that a pilot of an aircraft takes. Weather parameters that are considered in aviation industry include relative humidity, temperatures, pressure, wind, jet streams, static electricity, convective clouds, thunder, storms, fog, mist, hurricanes, snow, volcanic ash, rain, etc. All these weather elements have to be considered at the aircraft’s parking, take-off, en-route flight and landing.

The weather meteorologists and scientists will obtain prognostic wind directions and wind speeds using models that involve endless approximation equations in a science called numerical weather prediction. These weather products are then made available to the aviation industry for use. If you are to fly an aircraft from point A to point B at 37000 feet above mean sea and the tailwind is flowing in the direction of point A to point B at 15 knots, then you will expect a substantial assistance from the wind and fuel consumption will drastically be reduced. The benefits from this have a multiplier effect in the sense that you don’t have to carry the extra heavy fuel that uses a lot of fuel to carry. The other thing you do is that you will carry more payloads in place of fuel. The opposite is also true when you move from point B to point A with a headwind of 15 knots.

Weather on Aircrafts

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