The power of a web page is called PageRank by Google. Page Rank in a site increases as the number of pages in the site increases. The more pages you have in a site, the higher the total Page Rank of a site becomes. You can distribute the total site page rank in favour of particular pages at the expense of other pages. You can therefore add links from all the other pages to your home page so that your home page will have a higher Page Rank than the other pages in your site. But remember there must always be a link to navigate into every page and a link to get out to either another page in your site or another page in the rest of world wide web; otherwise you may end up with dangling links which are links that point to any page with no outgoing links. Ideally when you create a new page, the total page rank of your site increases but the rest of world wide web loses by a similar amount.
Links into the site from outside your site is one way to increase a site's total page rank. The other way is to add more pages. The opposite is also true: Links from the site to outside sites is one way to reduce a site's total page rank. The other way is to reduce the number of pages in your site.
To read more on this, Head Here: A Free Guide on How to Raise the Powers of Your Pages
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